Author: Bree

SHSO: The reinvention of toys

Since I started working for Massively, the one upcoming game I’ve gotten to check out in person more than any other is a cute little game from Gazillion and the Amazing Society called Super Hero Squad Online under this quaint, obscure IP called “Marvel comics.” Gazillion’s devs have actually secured the rights to Marvel games for something like the next…

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

It’s one of the first phrases we learned in 7th grade Latin class, and it sums up the fundamental conflict facing the world. Paul and I were recently in Arizona for one of his astronomy conferences. (Ironically, it’s a cheap state to vacation in, since it’s desperate to recoup tourism losses due to boycotting over recent police-related civil rights issues.) Since…

Why otherwise-normal people start blogs

Over the last few months of working at Massively, I have found myself repeatedly telling writers that they needed to focus less on social media and more on content — that they needed blogs, good blogs, blogs with stuff people actually want to read (or at least stuff people want to say they want to read). Maybe even blogs written…