Tag: the-old-republic

I used to be a roleplayer like you

But then I took an arrow in the knee. In fact, it was Star Wars Galaxies that urged me to rise above dabbling in thees and thous and transformed me into a smart-ass, quick-thinking pirate queen. I never broke character in spatial chat. Every toon had an elaborate backstory. My guild founded a roleplaying metropolis. I stayed up until the…

Having their cake

Over the weekend, BioWare announced a highly unpopular decision to enforce their pre-existing rules about fansites and media, and as usual, I seem to be the only one of my too-nice-for-their-own-good colleagues who agrees with the decision (except these guys!). Essentially, BioWare have determined that, to be classed as a fansite (and to receive the associated perks thereof), a SWTOR…

Recently on Massively

Blog posts that talk about why you’ve not posted (and that assume anyone even cares) kinda suck, so instead I’m just going to show off where I have been posting. In November, not only did I lend my voice to another Massively Speaking podcast, but I got back-to-back day-long hands-on sessions with two games: Rift and Star Wars: The Old…