Tag: writing

The year of the false spring

Last week, I finally got caught up on this season of Game of Thrones, though not without having been mercilessly spoilered by the internet. “Spoilers?” one of the MOP writers asked me. “Didn’t you read the books?” I did, fervently, in college and a few times since, usually whenever a new installment was released. (George Martin even signed my A…

Massively Empowered

I’ve already spilled plenty of ink about the Massively sunset saga, so here’s the short version: AOL decided to dump a ton of quality, profitable pro blogs last week, tried to keep it a secret until almost the last minute, and then cut us all loose without the slightest sorrow, merging our years of work into a mess  that I can…

Blogging wrong, writing right

Have you met Justin Olivetti? He’s a crazy man. I do a podcast with the guy, and he’s the type who launches into silly songs and can’t summon a mean-spirited word about anyone. He’s just the kind of guy to found something like the Newbie Blogger Initiative in a bid to get more gamers into blogging about our hobby. Way…